Free Boat Plan
This plan is provided in response to comments by our builder that they have experienced some difficulty in obtaining plans for easily built but still substantial tenders for the larger boats they are building. It may be downloaded at no cost from this page (below) by anyone who is interested. In return we ask only the following.
1. Please make only one copy of the plan. Whilst it is provided free, it is copyright and we would prefer each builder download their own copy directly from this site so that we will have some idea statistically of its popularity.
2. This dingy is derived from our Pippie 8 Sailing Trainer, plans for which are available on this site for a very low cost. The Tender may be easily upgraded to the sailing version - please do consider this as it will result in a much more versatile boat.

Pippie 8 Yacht Tender / Dingy
LOA ....................... 2.30 Metres
BEAM .................... 1.26 Metres
WEIGHT ................ approx 45 Kg ##
## weight may vary depending on type of plywood used etc. The Pippie Tender may be built by one person from three sheets of plywood. It is a solid and substantial dingy intended for 1 or 2 persons, and for use as a tender for a larger boat. It is based on our Pippie 8 Sailing Trainer.
File is downloaded as a PDF file - Size 566 Kb
All you need to do to download your free ePlan is:
Right Mouse Click on the DOWNLOAD Button below, and save your file.