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Important Messages




Recently I had an incident where an individual made a fake copy of this website. He then replaced my name as owner, designer and copyright holder with his own name, thus falsely claiming ownership of my site, my designs and my copyright information on this site and elsewhere. Fortunately the hosts of this sight, upon being notified, shut it down.


Please be aware that such fake websites as this can pop up occasionally, due to the fact the world (sadly) contains many people who choose to do the wrong thing. This website is the only true site for Mike Waller Yacht Design.





Please note that we do not sell pre-printed and delivered plans. Our plans are sold as eplans. We have found over the last few years that few if any builders choose to take the printed option due to the increased costs,  customs duties and time delays associated with getting these plans.

Our electronic plans contain all the drawings and additional information found in our fully printed plans, and sometimes additional material as well. The reduced prices previously offered for our eplans will remain as our standard prices.


We do not accept credit card payments for purchases direct to this office. We have made this decision for the following reasons.

99% of our clients now prefer to use our Online PayPal Facility. This facility is totally secure and is BOTH quicker and safer than providing your card details direct to a Vendor.

For special orders (for example, where we have agreed to a non standard price on a stock plan, we can send a payment request to your email address with a direct link to PayPal which will allow you to remit the amount in total security.

The standard Eftpos facility provided by our bank allowed only credit card payments for Mastercard or Visa. Our PayPal facility allows the use of all major credit cards or debit cards, eCheques or direct payment from your own bank account or PayPal account (if you have one). You, the client therefore has many more payment options.



Unfortunately, it has come to our attention that there are several boats being built illegally to our designs , using photocopied plans. This is a common and never ending problem in the boat design business, and is something that no boat designer can afford to ignore. For this reason this office has now assumed a policy that builders of illegal boats will be pursued to the best of our legal ability.

Boat plans are classed as the intellectual property of the designer, and are covered by both national and international copyright laws. The building of a boat to an illegal copy, without paying the designer his proper due, is theft. Designers spend many long hours producing safe and seaworthy vessels for builders, and to illegally copy those plans is to rob the designer of rights and income to which he is clearly and legally entitled. Purchase of a plan entitles the purchaser to build one boat only, unless a royalty has been agreed upon with the designer for subsequent boats.

Specifically, we are aware of boats being built illegally in South Africa, to our Coral Sea 35 design, by an individual who claims to have authority from us to build 10 boats. Be warned that this person is working from partial copied plans, and has apparently already cost at least one victim considerable expense. Authorities from this office are always issued in writing.

We are also aware of at least one Waller 9.4 (a superceded design) being built in Turkey, without having purchased plans, and several boats built to our popular TC670 trailer cat design, by an as yet unidentified builder in Queensland, Australia.

Should you come in contact with any such person, we would appreciate your contacting us. This would be the right thing to do, and we could save you a great deal of money. All plans issued from this office are now numbered, and records of all plan purchases are maintained. We can help you identify whether the boat you are being offered is legal or otherwise.

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