Designed by Mike Waller
The WALLER TS 540 evolved from one of our earlier designs, the TS 5.4. The object was to create a boat which shared the easy to build and fun to sail concept of the TS 5.4, and which possessed the same excellent sailing and handling characteristics, but which could be built in sheet plywood / epoxy
L.O.A. 5.36 Mtrs
L.W.L. 5.20 Mtrs
Beam 2.30 Mtrs
Draft (c/b up) 26 Mtrs
Draft (c/b down) 1.15 Mtrs
Displacement 580 Kg
Actual Weight (Trailer) 410 Kg
Sail Area 18.28 Squ Mtrs
Ballast Weight 90 Kg
Note# All displacement and payload weights above are as per designed plan, and cannot be guaranteed.

Like the TS 5.4 the Waller TS 540 is designed for 2 people and is ideal for a couple or parent and child (More can be carried for day sailing). The small cabin contains overnight accommodation with 2 berths in the traditional 'V' berth arrangement. Removeable panels allow these berths to convert to a comfortable sitting area.
Construction is marine plywood using the timber / epoxy construction technique, and the boat has been specifically designed to be built without the need for a strong back or expensive throw away moulds. The hull is constructed around a framework of it's own bulkheads and a central spine incorporating the centreboard case. The boat is easily constructed and rigged, and can be entirely home built except for fittings and sails. Fittings are kept to a minimum, utilizing 'off the shelf ' items. Mast and boom can be home built from raw sections using stock marine fittings.
The sail plan allows for a standard spinnaker arrangement or an asymetrical kite set from a bow pole. This boat is extremely stable, and features a heavily ballasted pivoting centreboard. In it's designed environment of sheltered and semi sheltered waters it is an ideal step up for dingy sailors, or for older sailors who want something smaller. Performance wise, this yacht is comparable to it's close sibling, the TS 5.4 which has proven highly competitive in club racing